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Fowl Pox

What is fowl pox? 

It is a viral infection that is very contagious amongst birds like, Pigeons, quail, chickens, canaries etc. It affects the birds’ upper respiratory system, eyes, mouth and throat and can be life-threatening.

      What causes fowl pox?

Through biting insects like mosquitos from one affected bird to the other . Birds can get fowl pox from eating, inhaling or coming in contact with other birds that have fowl pox.

    What are the symptoms of fowl pox ?

  • Drop in egg production
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Weight loss

Wart-like scabby growths on the comb, feet, face and eyes of the bird

     How can it be prevented ? 

  • Mosquito control
  • Good biosecurity 
  • If there is an affected bird, it needs to be quarantined (separated from the others showing no symptoms )

If your bird is showing signs of the above mentioned, please contact your nearest exotic savvy vet as soon as possible .