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Feather Plucking

There are 3 types of Pluckers

1.OCD Pluckers: (Stress Pluckers)

  •  Birds that are high strung
  •  That scream a lot and are scared 
  •  They are usually in good health
  •  Physically, there is nothing wrong

2.Hormone Pluckers:

  • Highly attached to owners
  • They overgroom (it is also seasonal)
  • These type of pluckers do well on Environmental adaption/husbandry adaption .

3.Medical pluckers:

( can only be identify by a medical professional , thus referring the animal to an avian or exotic savvy vet would be best.)

There is usually something medically wrong.

Things like liver disease, heart disease, aspergillosis, fungus, viruses, metal toxicity and pneumonia are possibilities that could be causing the plucking.