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Diarrhea in Rabbits

What causes diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea is a symptom rather than a specific disease, meaning that it can be seen as a result of multiple conditions. The most common causes of diarrhoea in rabbits include:

Diet-related diarrhoea


Viral or bacterial gut infections

Antibiotic medications

Systemic illnesses such as liver disease

How does my rabbit get diarrhoea?

Diet-related diarrhoea can occur due to a low-fiber diet, sudden changes in diet, feeding of inappropriate greens, such as iceberg lettuce, or feeding of excessive quantities of rabbit-safe greens. Causes of poor appetite or appetite changes such as dental disease, stress, or other sources of pain can also result in reduced fiber intake, which can lead to diarrhoea.

Coccidiosis, bacterial, and viral gut infections are most common 

in young rabbits around the time of weaning, especially in cases 

of overcrowding or poor hygiene, or where groups of rabbits are being mixed together.

Symptoms of diarrhoea in rabbits

Rabbits experiencing diarrhoea may exhibit: 

Loose/watery, smelly stool Faecal staining around the anus

Distended belly

Sick rabbits may also become Lethargic


Develop a poor hair coat

Breathe rapidly.

If you notice any of the above signs in your rabbit, contact your nearest exotic savvy vet right away, as diarrhoea can be deadly.