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Chlamydia psittaci in birds

What is Chlamydia psittaci: It is a type of bacteria that often infects birds. These bacteria can infect people and cause a disease known as psittacosis. Psittacosis can lead to illness or pneumonia (lung infection).

How can this happen ? The bacteria can infect people exposed to the infected birds.

When the droppings and secretions dry, small dust particles (that include the bacteria) can get into the air.

 The signs of C. psittaci infection in birds are non-specific and include:

Sinusitis - runny nose and eyes

Poor appetite

Inflamed eyes

Breathing difficulty


Infected birds may not have signs of disease or even seem sick. 

When birds have symptoms caused by C. psittaci infection, veterinarians call the disease avian chlamydiosis.

One important aspect of preventing Psittacosis is to control infection among birds.

Prevention - have new birds tested by your avian veterinarian before they get introduced into your house. Keep cages

Clean - clean cages, food and water bowls daily.

Position cages so that food, feathers, and droppings cannot spread between them. (i.e., do not stack cages, use solid-sided cases or barriers if cages are next to each other).

Avoid over-crowding.

Isolate and treat infected birds

 If you see any of these signs please contact the neatest exotic savvy vet. 

Psittacosis is a state controlled disease, so any positive cases should be reported to the state veterinarian.