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What is Aspergillosis ?

It Is a fungal infection caused by the fungus called Aspergillus, and is most commonly seen in the air sacs of birds .

What is the source of the fungal infection?

  • Sunflower seeds and Peanuts(monkey nuts)
  • Hay 
  • Unsanitary Conditions 

What are the symptoms of Aspergillosis ?

  • Weight loss
  • Wheezing noises when breathing 
  • Open mouth breathing 
  • Lots of yawning 
  • Feather plucking 

How can owners prevent this?

  • Do not feed sunflower seeds or peanuts to your birds
  • Make sure their environment is clean
  • Go to an Exotic savvy Vet for a health check every 4-6 Months 
  • Stay away from aerosolized toxins

If you see any of the above mentioned symptoms, please take your pet to the nearest Exotic savvy vet .