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The importance of getting 
your pets sterilized.

Pets that are unsterilized are almost certain to develop these health conditions as they age, it is important to know the signs and symptoms: 

Discharge of any kind and quantity from the vagina - this is never normal and is a sign of a pyometra.

Tenderness around the abdomen and/or genitalia.

Swelling of the abdomen and/or testicles.

Bleeding from the vagina and/or urethra.

A mass of any size that can be felt upon palpation surrounding the abdomen and/or testicles.

sterilisation prevents the occurrence of mammary tumors, pyometra (infection of the uterus), endometriosis & ovarian cysts, uterine tumors, uterine prolapse, testicular cancer, prostatitis alongside many other health conditions we see frequently in unsterilized pets.

If your pet has any of the above signs, seek urgent medical attention AT ANY EXOTIC SAVVY VET- do not attempt to treat at home as this can easily worsen their condtion.