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  • Buy or sell anything, anywhere
  • Cut out the middleman and deal direct
  • Low cost effective marketing channels
  • Buyers tell many selected sellers what they need and when
  • Sellers respond with offers during the buyers time frame
  • Terms may be negotiated before final acceptance
  • The final agreement is documented
  • The parties transact as governed by the agreement
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We noted some concerning market trends:

  • Online marketing is becoming increasingly expensive
  • Ads tell the consumer what they should have, there is no way for the consumer to tell the supplier what they actually need
  • Companies with huge resources achieve top listings in search engines, the small guy ends up on page 3 and is never seen
  • Offers are fixed on price and features, no room to negotiate
  • More middlemen taking a cut and increasing the cost to the consumer
  • Suppliers often sit with spare resources when demand is low and have no quick way to turn these assets into profits

We address these concerns


We feel that buyers need more say in their deals, and sellers need more cost effective marketing channels.

We strongly urge sellers to pass on part of their cost saving to buyers in the form of a discount or other promotional offers.



Buyer is looking for 2 red widgets for a function on Friday evening.

Search: "widgets"
Results (2): seller 1 - plain widgets @ $100, seller 2 - red widgets @ $110

Request (sent to both sellers): "I need 2 red widgets on Friday"

Seller 1 offers: "$220 for 2 red widgets, collect 15h00 - 17h00 on Friday"
Seller 2 offers: "$220 for 2 red widgets, delivered 15h00 on Friday"

Buyer rejects both offers: "I have received many similar offers. Please give me your best deal."

Seller 1 counter offers: "$200 for 2 red widgets, collect 15h00 - 17h00 on Friday"
Seller 2 counter offers: "$210 for 2 red widgets, delivered at 10h00 on Friday"

The buyer must now decide which deal best satisfies her need. If price is her main criteria, she accepts the offer from Seller 1, if convenience is more important, she accepts the offer from Seller 2. Either way, she will have a contract that ensures she will get her 2 red widgets on Friday.


You and your family are on holiday touring around. Unlike traditional booked holidays, you enjoy the "drive and see where you end up" approach to a holiday. You arrive at a destination and need accommodation.

How many places are sitting with empty rooms? They would relish the opportunity to do a deal to increase occupancy. The alternative is an empty room.

Relax and get a coffee, do a search - in the same manner as in the previous example.

On the same cup of coffee, ASK for dinner (or activities while you are in the area).

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